The journey continues…

by | Aug 26, 2020 | Latest Posts

It’s been quite some time since we’ve done the entire run down of prepping, packing, props, styling and performing. Staying up past 11pm proved the task but the excitement to be back was palpable everywhere you looked. Talent showed up hours early just to be on site and feel a sense of normalcy.
Most guests and patrons took to a 55 min drive to get to the disclosed location of the Burner Style function.
If we’re being honest, we were exhausted at the tail end of the night. Even so, we trucked on and made the (4) hour performance time with (2) hour commute time work without complaint. While the company did not directly earn a profit for this event, the talent and staff of AURA did.
Our team was able to get back to a sense of normalcy and let me tell you folks, it will take some practice to redevelop your routine. With that being said, as the city begins to reopen, do your best to maintain a schedule similar to that of your previous work schedule and pattern. It will help ease back into the time frames we were previously accustomed to.